Publications & Presentations
The e-notated Third Youth of Madame Plum by Pierre Loti , with e-notations by Catherine Miskow
“Reading the Yellow Peril through a French Lens: Representations of the Japanese in Russo-Japanese War Era French Literature.” Paper presented at the ACLA 2012 Annual Meeting, Brown University.
Panel Chair: "The Yellow Peril, A Yellow Peril. Representations of Japan and the Japanese in Times of Crisis"
ACLA 2012 Annual Meeting, Brown University.
Invited Speaker: "What Do Language Majors Do After Graduation?" Department of Modern and Classical Languages, University of San Francisco, 2012. Presentation title: “From the Atlantic to the Pacific and Back: French Literature, Japanese Art and Pierre Loti.”
"The Chrysanthemum and the Butterfly: What, if anything, Remains of Pierre Loti in the Madame Butterfly Narrative." Utah Foreign Language Review 19, 2011.
"Cultural Literacy and World Literature: A Case Study." Paper presented at the ACLA 2011 Annual Meeting, Simon Fraser University, Vancover, BC.
"Representing Japan: From the Goncourt Brothers to Paul Claudel." Paper presented at the ACLA 2009 Annual Meeting, Harvard.
I have presented my work at several national conferences, including the Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), where I recently chaired a panel on Western representations of Japan in times of crisis. I just published The e-notated Madame Plum's Third Youth by Pierre Loti (Deer Harbor, WA: Classics Unbound Publishing, 2012) and have several articles under consideration from peer-reviewed journals. Below you can find a brief summary of my presentations and publications. A more detailed version can be found in my CV.
Works in Progress or
Under Consideration
Fifty Communicative Language Activities for French. Manuscript in preparation.
Transplanted Chrysanthemums: One Family's Journey from Japan, to the US and Back.
Manuscript in Preparation
"Nostalgia and the Surrogate Hometown in Pierre Loti's La Troisieme Jeunesse de Madame Prune." Under consideration by The French Review.
Pierre Loti and Japan: How One Man Forever Influenced European Perceptions of Japan. Manuscript in Preparation.